Once a year Culver City closes streets to traffic close to "our" Starbucks, usually on that day we go to a Starbucks a little further away. Today is the day the streets are closed; my husband and I decided to walk to "our" Starbucks, it is only 3 blocks way and of course Monte joined us. Monte being a terrier has to stop and sniff every blade of grass and tree trunk on the way, which makes walking a fairly slow process. He also does not like crowds and big dogs. We took his stroller with us and when we got to the crowds we put him in it - as you can see I really does not mind being in the stroller. He was the talk of the Car Show and the smiles it brought to peoples faces, especially the children made the walk around well worth it. My husband and I were able to enjoy the show also as we did not have to worry about Monte getting underfoot or barking at some of the other dogs. We took him out of the stroller once we had cleared the cars and people and he walked home. I should write to Pet Gear and thank them for the stroller, it really was a good investment, maybe Monte could be their poster dog?!!