Thursday, March 20, 2014

I'm back!!

Well here we are first day of spring; lovely weather for a change, hopefully some of the wet stuff coming our way in a few days, not much but every little bit helps.

I have been so busy researching and writing my nephews story about his life in Australia. I have also been busy trying to put together a compilation of short stories my sister-in-law has collected from her friends and now wants me to publish.

I am continuously looking for new ideas for stories; I must realize that having too many things on the back burner could turn into a "disaster", such as nothing getting done!!!!

I am still walking my dog, Monte around the neighborhood.  I like the walk as I get to met some nice people to have a short chit chat with then go on my/our merry way.  I talk to Corey, the dog walker and a couple of his charges.  Then we have Spot and his owner.  We see Bowie occasionally with his owner, Jennifer.  Monte usually will sniff at the dogs then just lays down on the grass while I do some chin-wagging.

Jumping to a completely different thought: I have been thinking a lot this past week about Stephen King's story "The Langoliers".  I feel bad for the families of the 239 souls on the missing plan.


Saturday, February 1, 2014


At long last; I must have really been having fun, as the last 10 months have literally flown by. 

I finished and published my third story "The British Import," available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle also available on B & N Nook.  I was somewhat delayed in publishing as I had a minor medical set back but all is well now.

I am busy working on two projects at the moments:
  • The story of my eldest nephew migrating from England to Australia in the 1950's with his parents and brothers.  We are collaborating via email.  Life at that time in Australia was not easy as in essence they were one of the many "families" needed to populate and build Australia after World War II. 
  • My sister-in-law has collected some short stories from her friends; the stories are "telling tales" about their husbands.  I am working to publish them all in one book.  This again is being done by email with my sister-in-law who in turn is relaying everything to the story tellers.  A long process.
These projects are keeping me busy and my mind active.  The first one I am doing a lot of research on Australia which is very interesting.

My buddy Monte is doing well.  We just got back from our afternoon walk and ran into several friends both human and canine which always makes the walk more enjoyable.  The weather is (hopefully) settling down into winter temperatures and it has been forecast that we are going to get a little, very badly needed rain over the next 10 days.