Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Well, 2 + months have gone by since I last put fingers to keyboard to put my thoughts into published copy.

I have not been idle: I have now 2 stories on - soon both will be on Kindle and Nook.

I have located a cousin of my husband's on his biological mother's side of the family.  The cousin gave me some information and I located 5 biological siblings of my husbands': 2 brothers, unfortunately both deceased - one in 2003 and the other just this year, 2012.  Still working on the 3 sisters, this is a little harder as woman change their last names through marriage, sometimes more than once. It is back to the drawing board to locate children of the 2 brothers.  Hopefully I can find them with the help of our newly found cousin.

I am working on another story and have another one in the research and gathering information stage.

Well dog days of summer are upon us. Time to be lazy and keep cool.